Dedicated to linking and archiving sites that I used to build my site. Some I haven't used personally myself, but nontheless still helpful! Sorry for how long this page will be...

- W3schools
- Rentry (Codesies)
- RV's free Javascript/DHTML effects
- Scripted Resources
- Eggramen
- Anomaly Themes
- Sadgrl.Online
THE source for tutorials about coding (and carried me while making this site)
All in one place for codes
Cool effects for your website (where I got my glitter trail cursor)
Resource for codes to add more visuals to your site
Free Layouts
More free layouts
Tons of sources to help your site (I used the layout builder for this site)

- GifCities
- Free Blinkies
- GeoBlinkies
- Glitter Graphics
- MySmilies
- Button Wall
- The 88x31 GIF Collection
- My Buttons World
- The Cutie Internet Archive
- Sprite Edits
- Re:Hoeass
"The GeoCities Animated GIF Search Engine" brought to you by The Internet Archive
Pretty much what it says
Like gifcities but for blinkies
Old and nostalgic glitter graphics
Free smiley gifs
A huge collection of 88x31 buttons
Another collection of 88x31 buttons
ANOTHER another collection of 88x31 buttons
Archive of cute graphics
Edits of fighting game sprites (this is where I get all my pagedolls)
Archive of Animal Crossing sprites

- EZGif
- Free Online Image Editor
- Catbox
- Blinkies Cafe
- 88x31 Web Button Maker
- WebAmp
- WinAmp Skins
- The Super-Simple Userbox Maker
- Marriage Certification
Web-based gif editor
Web-based image editor
File hosting service
Adopt a pet for your site
Make your own blinkies
Web-based 88x31 button maker
WinAmp but on browser
Skins for your WinAmp player
Make your own userbox and then screenshot
Make a certificate for you and your ficitional fave
Will be updated from time to time